
Saturday, June 6, 2015


Hepatitis simply refers to inflammation and/or injury of the liver. There are many causes of hepatitis -- too many to list here. The most common causes of hepatitis include infections (viral being the most common, but also bacterial and fungal), alcohol abuse, medications (certain over-the-counter and prescription medications can lead to liver injury), autoimmune disorders and fatty deposits in the liver, such as those that may form in diabetic patients.

Causes of acute hepatitis

-Viral hepatitis
Non Viral hepatitis-

-Viral hepatitis
Hepatocyte specific virus  A, B, C. D
          no Hepatocyte specific virus

virus hepatitis A –HAV-

When most people refer to hepatitis, they are probably talking about viral hepatitis, which is classified into several types. Hepatitis A, which is very common in underdeveloped countries, is acquired from water or food sources. This type of hepatitis is usually mild and may sometimes be discovered only by blood testing. Hepatitis A never leads to chronic liver disease.

Hepatitis A is caused by eating food and drinking water infected with a virus called HAV. It can also be caused by anal-oral contact during sex. While it can cause swelling and inflammation in the liver, it doesn't lead to chronic, or life long, disease. Almost everyone who gets hepatitis A has a full recovery.

it accounts 20-25% of clinical hepatitis -
Incubation period:15-50 days

-Clinical manifestation :
May patient are an citric and symptom less
Flea like upper respiratory tract infection.
Anorexia on early symptom and is often sever.
Later on jaundice and dark urine.
Marked vague epigastria and hypochonderum pain
Nausea heart burn.

Diagnosis lab-
Raised liver enzymes.
Bilirubin and bilurbincere in urine.
Raised severe bilrbine total and direct and of mixed type.
HAV antibodies(HAVIGM) in the serum

Body health education ,hygiene.

Bed rest and diet regime (casohychites).
With restriction of animal protein.
iv. plain 5% glucose in care of sever vomiting and sever anorexia.

hepatitis B virus-HBV-

The hepatitis B virus is most often contracted via blood contact -- such as with IV drug abusers sharing needles or health care workers who are stuck by tainted needles. It can also be spread via sexual contact and from mother to baby during childbirth. And  can lead to chronic liver disease and the complications that result from it

With hepatitis B, the liver also swells. Hepatitis B can be a serious infection that can cause liver damage, which may result in cancer. Some people are not able to get rid of the virus, which makes the infection chronic, or life long. Blood banks test all donated blood for hepatitis B, greatly reducing the risk for getting the virus from blood transfusions or blood products.

-Made of transmission
Which is transmitted primarily by the fecal- oral rout, hepatitis B is transmitted primarily by sexual act.

-Incubation period: long 1p from 6weeks to 6 months

-Risky people:
Medical staff ,surgeon ,gynecology ,dentists.
Para medical staff, lab, worker.
Addicts ,drug abusers.
Potions in hemodylessia and oncology.
Homosexual and bisexual men.

-Clinical manifestation:
Loss of appetite, dyspenia, abdominal pain ,weakness
Jaundice may or may not be evident but of jaundice occurs, it is accompanied by light colored stools and dark urine.
Liver may be tender and enlarged,.

Preventing transmission.
Continudued screening of potential blood donors for the presence of hepatitis B
Antigens using of deposable syringes and needles.

Medical management-

The goal of treatment are to minimize infectivity. Normalize liver inflammation, and decrease symptoms.
Alfa interferon:3000,000 , 5000,000 with3 injections/ month. Can be helpful.
Bed rest ,diet regime, high caloric nutrition , restrictions high animal protein food.

Hepatitis C virus: (HCV)-

Hepatitis C is spread via blood and body-fluid contact (as with Hepatitis B). Hepatitis C used to be the most common type of hepatitis acquired via blood transfusions until a test for it became available in the 1980s. Hepatitis C commonly leads to chronic hepatitis and over many years can lead to chronic liver disease manifested by cirrhosis

Hepatitis C is caused by the virus HCV. It is spread the same way as hepatitis B, through contact with an infected person's blood, semen, or body fluid. Like hepatitis B, hepatitis C causes swelling of the liver and can cause liver damage that can lead to cancer. Most people who have hepatitis C develop a chronic infection. This may lead to a scarring of the liver, called cirrhosis. Blood banks test all donated blood for hepatitis C, greatly reducing the risk for getting the virus from blood transfusions or blood products.

Incubation period, variable and may rang from 15 – 160 days.

Hepatitis D virus  HDV

-Hepatitis D is caused by the virus HDV. You can only get hepatitis D if you are already infected with hepatitis B. It is spread through contact with infected blood, dirty needles that have HDV on them, and unprotected sex (not using a condom) with a person infected with HDV. Hepatitis D causes swelling of the liver.

-Non viral hepatitis:
Toxic hepatitis lead to  Toxemia infection
Drug induced hepatitis : paracetamal larga; etil.

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