
Monday, May 4, 2015

Food is important for pregnant women for the growth of the fetus is healthy

 : Each of the following is important

 Contains 12 vitamin and mineral, the egg contains a lot of high-quality protein, important for pregnancy and fetal growth, as the embryo cells to grow at an exponential rate, and made every cell of the protein, and you as a woman is also pregnant you needs protein, and also the egg rich «Colin» , which promotes the growth of the fetus in general, and maintains the health of the child's brain and prevents neural tube defects

Contains high-quality protein, and as we mentioned before the importance of protein for the growth of the fetus, the fish a good source of «Omega important for the development of the brain and vision of the fetus

It contains a high content of protein and fiber, and are considered a good source of iron and folic acid, calcium and zinc

It contains carotenoids, which can be transformed in the body into vitamin «a», and contain vitamin «C», folic acid and fiber

If you do not like fish, you can take the needs of acids «omega of nuts, which are very important for the growth of your baby's brain, and you can add them to other foods, or eaten as a snack between meals Home

Milk Products-
Containing protein, and is considered an important and essential source of calcium which is indispensable during pregnancy, because it keeps the bones intact, and be skeleton healthy for your child, I must learn if you are not getting an adequate amount of calcium through your diet, your baby takes what it needs inventory of your body, which may cause you problems with your teeth and bones in the future

Dark-green vegetables-
Such as spinach and others, where they are rich in vitamins such as vitamin «A» and vitamin «C», folic acid and iron, the task of promoting the health of your child's eyes

Colored fruits and vegetables-
Eat fruits of different colors and vegetables, so as to get a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants important for you and your baby, and there is another advantage of the diversity of fruits and vegetables, especially during the last periods of pregnancy, your baby can taste what you eat through the surrounding liquid, so it will facilitate him after so accept these flavors


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